
发布时间: 2023-04-17 05:06 阅读: 文章来源:转载



I have dealt with many large Indian IT companies, such as Wipro, occessant, Infosys, TCS, etc., and often cooperated with Indian overseas and on-site project teams and contractors. I also have close contacts with many Chinese IT professionals. When my friends at Amazon went to China to recruit and train it professionals, we had an in-depth discussion on this topic.


First, China‘s it revenue is mainly transformed through manufacturing, marketing and sales. China is the manufacturing center of the world. Computer parts, tablets, mobile phones and other IT hardware are mainly produced by Chinese manufacturers, and this revenue accounts for a large proportion of the whole world.


Second, China has made greater progress than India in helping people get rid of poverty, so more Chinese consumers can afford so many electronic products.


Third, the Chinese government pays more attention to the construction of telecommunications, power grid and other infrastructure than the Indian government. Therefore, more Chinese people surf the Internet and consume online. Online sales in China are regarded as it revenue, all of which will be included, while in store sales and marketing revenue are not.


Therefore, who is more advanced in this area cannot be measured by this. If you have completed the same it projects in China and India, you will know that setting up a website in India is much cheaper than in China, because India‘s IT professional infrastructure and training are stronger. In the professional field, Chinese people have an advantage over India, that is, they are better at understanding and solving problems. Similar to front-end customer service, they have perfect methods to collect needs. The reason for this gap may be cultural differences.


We found that if you give the job to an Indian, many times they will work silently, and then come back to show a product that is not what we want, and then they will constantly modify it until it is done well.


If you give the same job to a Chinese, he / she will ask you a lot of questions before work and come back with what we want, but the Chinese take longer and its design is sometimes very bad. If they don‘t rewrite the program, every change will be very different from our original intention.


In short, China‘s consumer it is more advanced, that is, more people adopt, utilize and create consumer technology; India is more advanced in professional it, with training centers and talent centers to maintain knowledge progress within the company.



India and China are at different levels of development. India‘s IT industry is based on outsourcing, and its development is also driven by outsourcing. India does not have a large enough market for software or Internet products.


China‘s software industry is not as developed as India, because the profit of producing software in China is not high, and English is not widely used and popularized in China.


However, China does have a booming Internet industry. Giants like today‘s headlines, Baidu, Tencent, Alibaba, 360, Sohu, Netease, Sina, Renren and Youku Tudou are invisible in India. China also has hundreds of smaller Internet companies focusing on niche markets with millions of users, such as Douban, YY, B station and Momo.


The reason why Chinese Internet companies can flourish is that most Chinese people are much better off economically than Indians. They can afford smartphones and computers, as well as many other things needed for extensive Internet innovation.


As for hardware, since China is the world‘s factory, almost all mobile phone and computer manufacturers have established factory bases in China. Naturally, China does better than India.


Another important fact is that the Chinese government‘s policy tends to protect domestic enterprises and reject foreign enterprises. Chinese mainland IT is not accessible to IT giants such as Facebook, twitter and Youtube. They use Baidu search knowledge instead of Google, and renren.com and WeChat share daily rather than Facebook, using micro-blog to understand public events instead of twitter. As a result, Chinese companies are protected by the government and can operate in a huge population market and make profits.


To catch up with China, India first needs to create a domestic market for software and Internet products. With a large population and a large population with high income levels, Internet companies can easily succeed in the domestic market.


As for the hardware industry, the Indian government needs to take measures to build better infrastructure and mature industrial clusters to attract global brands. I noticed that China‘s Xiaomi announced that it would build a factory in India, and Foxconn foxcon would employ tens of thousands of Indian workers. If all the promises of "made in India" mentioned by the Indian government can be realized, India‘s hardware industry will catch up with China in less than 10 years.




The fundamental reason is that China has better infrastructure, so the answer to your question is:


• we are in a good position in software, so what we need to do is to encourage hardware manufacturing.


• for hardware production in India, we need to change some policies. As we all know, it is difficult to do business in India. Therefore, if the Indian bureaucracy carries out some reforms conducive to the business environment and reduces approval and corruption, a lot of domestic and foreign capital will flow into the formation of production companies.


• in India, more and more people use smart phones or the Internet every day, and the number of Internet users increases by 30% every year. Therefore, there are great opportunities in the domestic market. So far, most of our software products are exported, but now, the domestic demand will be higher.


Therefore, we must seize this opportunity to stabilize domestic demand and make progress in developing software according to domestic demand. 55% of India‘s population is engaged in agricultural production. Therefore, a good application related to this field may make the application comparable to international giants.


• if the goals of digital India, technology India and made in India are achieved, it will bring great benefits to the domestic IT industry.


• the government should encourage people to use more Internet-based services, so as to save time and paper. Therefore, network security and knowledge information dissemination should be the main concerns.


• we can see that the government and other relevant institutions have also begun to carry out activities online, and they have done a good job in this regard. For example, public satisfaction survey, online filling in examination forms, banking business handling, etc. Therefore, this trend will continue in the future and will attract more people because of its convenience.


China‘s success in information technology is not based on one factor, but on the interaction of countless advantages - a pro business government that clears the obstacles for domestic enterprises, huge investment in logistics infrastructure, the government‘s adherence to long-term planning, government policies to support commercial / economic development, huge credit of commercial banks, reliable power supply around the clock, National Internet and mobile phone services, China‘s urbanization Active capital investment, the rising size of the middle class and the more than ten fold increase in manufacturing wages in 20 years have all played an important role.


These conditions constitute today‘s booming environment of China‘s economy, and then gave birth to many prosperous industries, among which the IT industry is only one.


For example, how can India catch up with China in the weapons industry? India has always imported weapons from the United States and Russia, with a very low domestic production rate, while most of China has developed them by itself, so India needs to carry out all-round profound transformation from society to government.


India needs to focus on its strengths and maximize them in order to achieve the best results.

