最近,小编用了5年的MacBook Air进入了老年状态,电池几乎不能使用,但换一个官方原装电池要900多块,对一台旧电脑来说,实在太奢侈了。加上,最近全新MacBook air M2芯片上市,发布会...
2024.11.20Today, the expensive price of popular consumer products is because of the power of advertising and not the real needs of people. Do you agree or disagree?
There is little doubt that the price of consumer goods is strongly influenced by advertising.
Many advertisements seek to increase people’s desire for a product by emotional appeals that have little to do with the true cost of producing a product or its impact on quality of life and are driven by companies’ self-interest. In this essay the impact of the advertising of high-end goods on people’s lives will be discussed.
Emotional appeals are a key component of advertising and can have an enormous impact on purchasing habits. For example, leather handbags vary in price from tens of dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.
The extraordinarily large price range is clearly not justifiable based on variations in labour, materials or function, therefore the purchase of extremely expensive fashion items is either not rational, or driven by thinking that is not related to the product and its function.
The key reason that individuals make such purchases is typically related to the way that advertising suggests that others will perceive them. Consumers may hope that they are seen as being cleverer, more beautiful or more successful.
These are reasons with limited merit as most people spend their energy focusing on themselves rather than the possessions of those around them.
The belief that owning high status products will change how others view them or how they view themselves may lead to inappropriate purchases because consumers are not making decisions based on what is in their best interest, but in the often mistaken belief that these products will impress other people.
Advertising is driven by companies’ self-interest rather than in the interests of consumers or society as a whole, and can be very divisive. It is sometimes used as a tool to convince people to pay unnecessarily high prices to distinguish themselves through wealth.
It preys on unattractive qualities including the need to prove that people are somehow better than other people. In extreme cases, such purchases should be viewed as vulgar rather than a sign of success – it is highly undesirable that sometimes individuals value an expensive trinket over the satisfaction of creating meaningful and lasting change in the lives of others.
In summary, advertising can have a pervasive effect on thinking and it is critical that before making significant purchases that the underlying reason for those purchases is examined.
Every person has limited resources and should consider carefully the most appropriate way of allocating those resources.
最近,小编用了5年的MacBook Air进入了老年状态,电池几乎不能使用,但换一个官方原装电池要900多块,对一台旧电脑来说,实在太奢侈了。加上,最近全新MacBook air M2芯片上市,发布会...
2024.11.2001【写作要求】最近,你们班就“是否应该帮助陌生人”展开了讨论,同学们就这一话题意见不一,你的看法如何?根据所提供的信息,以“Should We Help Strangers?”为题,写一篇短文。 要...