
发布时间: 2023-09-04 21:56 阅读: 文章来源:3P5798IOPNY
九年级英语各单元必考作文Unit 1 How can we become good learners?



(1) W hat about listening to.?

(2) Try to guess ... by...

(3) The more..,the more...

(4) ... is the secret to language learning.

(5) I think.. should.....

(6) It‘s a good idea to...




How to be a good learner

To be a good learner, we should have good habits and ways of learning.We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. After class, we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. It‘s good to study in groups and help each other. We should do more reading in our free time.If we have any problems, we d better ask others for help. As a student, working hard is important, but don‘t forget to do sports and keep healthy.I think all above is helpful to us to be a good learner.

Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!



(1) I love.. because...

(2) I think they are... to...

(3) You‘ll have good luck in the New Year.

(4) Chinese people have been celebrating.. for centuries.




Dear Tom

I am very glad to tell you something about spring festival.

It‘s a traditional festival in china. It comes in winter.

It‘s time to get new. We usually clean and decorate our housescarefully before it comes. I always help my mother clean thewindows and wash the clothes. We put on Chunlian on the doorsand chuanghua on the windows.

It‘s time to say goodbye to the lastyear, and say hello to theNew Year. Everyone goes home to get together with theirfamilies, no matter how far it is. They must have dinner togetheron that day. They must visit their relatives and friends and say“Happy New Year” to them. When the kids greet theirgrandparents, they can get money.

Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restaurants are?


(1) Let me tall you how to get there.

(2) You can walk along...

(3) Turn left/right to...

(4) Go straight along...



[优秀作文]Dear Rob,

Are you free next Sunday? There will be a concert in HongqiTheater. I have two tickets and I hope you can go with me. Nowlet me tall you how to get there.

First , you can walk along Zhaowuda Road after you leave yourhome. Then turn left onto Third Street. Go straight along ThirdStreet. When you get to W alking Street, turn right. Then goalong the street until you see Hongqi Theater on your right.

I will meet you at the gate of Hongqi Theater.

Yours, Liu Ming

Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark

本单元话题为“我们怎样变化的”,主要围绕人或事物从过去到现在所发生的变化展开描述。写作时首先要理清写作的逻辑顺序,注意过去与现在的对比。在句式的使用上,既可用used to do/be... ,but now...,也可以直接用一般过去时描述过去的情况,用一般现在时描写现在的情况,各种句式交替使用,以免文章显得呆板。


(1) .. used to do/be

(2) How/what about you?

(3) ... has/have changed a lot in the last few years.


请你以Changes in people‘s life为题描述最近几年人们生活上的变化。 词数80词左右。提示:




Changes in people‘ s life

Great changes have taken place in people‘s life in the last fewyears.

In the past people kept in touch with relatives or friends mainly by sending letters. They would listen to the radio for news and other information. Children used to go to school by bike. Big families had to share small rooms.

Now people can talk to others by telephone or on the internet at home. When they are free, they watch the news and other programs on TV. Some families are rich enough to send their children to school in their own cars. More and more people live in big and bright apartment with several rooms.

In a word, people live better than before.

Unit5 What are the shirts made of ?

本单元涉及的话题是“中国制造的东西”,话题作文通常会涉及民间艺术以及文化传承。这是一个适合记叙、说明两种体裁相结合的话题,同时也是学生喜欢写、有话写的题材。写好这类文章,最重要的是准确捕捉写作的“精髓”,有条理的把要描述的某一事物展现出来,此类话题的写作要立足事实、表达真情实感。 初由生学习微信公众号写作此类话题作文的常用表达有:

(1) China is famous for...

(2) It‘s great that China is so good at...

(3) ... wish that in the futur... will...

(4) These usually try to show..

(5) They are seen as symbols of..


假如你是韩梅, 远在美国的笔友Linda给你写信了,信中,Linda向你了解中国有什么着名小吃。请根据表格提示给Linda回信。


原料:山楂(haw),有些地方的糖葫芦用草莓(strawberry)、葡萄(grape) ,甚至小苹果等制成。

历史渊源据说:宋代(the song dynasty)一位皇帝的妻子曾因吃了糖葫芦治好了病,因此流传下来象征幸福和团员


Dear Linda,

You asked me what famous snacks there were in my country .Well, in my country, one of the most famous snacks is tanghulu.Each different part of China has different tanghulu. It is usually made of haws, which are put together on a stick and covered with ice sugar. But there are more materials for tanghulu today in some places, such as strawberries, grapes, and even little apples. It is said that tanghulu ever saved the life of an emperor‘s wife in the Song Dynasty. It was so delicious and healthy that many Chinese people like eating it. It is now seen as the bright symbols of happiness and reunion. Are you looking forward to eating it? Come to my country, and I‘ll treat you to tanghulu.

Unit6 When was it invented?


写作此类话题作文的常用表达有:(1) When was ... invented?(2) It was invented...(3) They are used for...





Computers are becoming more and more important in our daily life. Do you know when the computer was invented?

The computer was invented in 1946. At that time, it was huge.With the development of science and technology, the computer has grown smaller. Now there are many kinds of computers,such as personal computers and laptops. The computer is a very useful tool in our life. For example, it can send some messages to foreign friends by email. What‘s more, it can share information with others through the World Wide Web. We can also listen to music or play the game on computers. It makes us relax.

It‘s hard to imagine what our life would be like withoutcomputers. I think computers will be more convenient and theyare going to change our life completely in the near future.

Unit7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.


(1) I think teenagers should be allowed to...

(2)l agree that...

(3) I don‘t agree with...




There are many rules in our school.

At our school we have to wear uniforms every day. The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly. I think young people should look smart, so I‘d like to wear my own clothes. If we have to wear uniforms, we should be allowed to

design our own uniforms. That would be a good way to keepboth teachers and students happy.

Although we have different views on the rules, I think everyoneshould obey the school rules.

Unit8. It must belong to Caral


(1) sth. must /can‘ t/might/could be..,

(2) sb. must/can‘ t/might/could be doing...


你在上学的路.上捡到了一件T-shirt, 它是你校某位同学的。请根据以下提示做出一个合理的推断,并把推断的经过和结果写出来。可适当发挥,词数80词左右。提示:





Oh,look! There is a T-shirt here. It‘s a school T-shirt. The owner must be a student.

Mary and sally lost their T-shirt. Could it be Mary‘s or Sally‘s?There is long hair on the T-shirt. But both of them have longhair. There is a photo of Liu Dehua in the pocket. Sally likesLiuDehua very much, but Mary‘ s favorite star is Sun Yanzi. So, itbelongs to sally. There is credit card too. Then, it must be sally‘sschool T-shirt because she is the only person who has a creditcard in our school.

Unit9. I like music that I can dance to.





2. 在你学习感到疲劳时,会打开收音机听这个节目。

3. 从节目中你学到了很多单词。



Dear Philip,

My name is Li Ming. I am a middle school student. I often Listento your program at night. I like it very much,especilly the English songs. I like the English songs that have great lyrics. Every night , I will turn on the radio and listen to your program when I feel tired. It helps me relax myself. By the way, I have learnt many English words from these songs.

At last, I like singers who can sing clearly and write their own songs. Can you introduce me some singers and their CDs? You can send me e-mail at Liming@yahoo.com.

I am looking forward to hearing you. Thank you very much!


Li Ming

Unit10. You are supposed to shake hands.


(1) You are supposed/expected to...

(2) You should...

(3) Y ou are not supposed to...





3. 餐桌礼仪的不同:我们用筷子就餐;就餐时不能用筷子指着别人;就餐时不可以多说话等。


Dear Tina,

I‘m very happy to hear that you re coming to china next week.I hope to see you soon.

As we all know, different countries have different customs. Sothe manners in China are very different from those in yourcountry. Let me tell you something about customs and mannersin our country.

First, we Chinese are supposed to shake hands when we meetfor the first time. Then we greet each other. After that, you cantalk about something relaxing. But you are not supposed to talkabout someone‘ S salary, age and So on. Second, we usechopsticks to have meals while you use your forks at table. Also,it‘s bad manners to talk too much when you re having meals. I hope you‘ll have a wonderful time in our country.

Unit11. Sad movies make me cry





I still remember the bad day I have experienced clearly.

It was a Friday. I woke up late because my clock didn‘t go off. Ifelt very nervous. I might be late for school. When I got toschool, the teacher was having a class. I felt afraid. As a result,the teacher punished me. I was very sad. By the time we hadEnglish class, I found I had left my English book at home. SoI had to borrow one.

After lunch, I fought with my classmate because of some small things. The teacher kicked me off the classroom and sent me home. I knew I let my parents down. I also felt I wasn‘t a good child. I didn‘t feel like eating dinner and went to bed.

That night I thought about these things carefully and decided to make a change. I believed I could be a good boy soon.

Unit12. Life is full of the unexpected.










Yesterday was a really bad day for me.

To start with, my alarm clock didn‘t go off so that I got up late.By the time I got up, my father had already gotten into the shower. Then I rushed to the bus stop without breakfast. By the time I got there, the bus had already left and I had to rushed to school. When I got to school, my teacher had already started teaching and he was really angry with me. Then it was time to

hand in homework, but I had left it at home. I was reallyem barrassed at that time.

One good thing was that my history teacher said something goodto me because I had done a lot to prepare for this class. It wasthe only good thing for me yesterday.

Unit13. We‘re trying to save the earth!


假如你所在的城市正在创建“国家级卫生城市”,作为该城市的一员,你会有许多感触和想法。请以“How to set up anational healthy city? ”为题,根据所给提示写一篇80~100个单词的英语短文。


How to set up a national healthy city?

Our city is trying to set up a national healthy city. As a member of the city, I think we should obey the rules.

We can‘t throw rubbish here and there. We can‘t talk loudly inpublic, such as in the library or in the museum. We can‘t spit and smoke in public as well. When we are on the bus, we should give our seats to the old and children, as well as some women with babies in their arms.

During our daily lives, we should be polite to others. And we should obey the traffic rules. Remember to stop when the trafficlight is red. We must go across the road when the traffic light is green. Finally, we should also turn off the lights before we leave the room.

I m sure our city will become more and more beautiful as long as we all try our best to do something for it!

Unit14. I remember meeting all of you in Grade7.




A person I will never forget

The person I will never forget is my English teacher.He is a tall man with glasses. He likes sports and often plays football with us in his free time. He is very humorous and always makes his classes lively and interesting. He is kind but strict with us. He never allows us to make careless mistakes when we have an exam and always encourage us to study hard and be good at English. He often tells us it is useless to memorize news words without understanding.

My English has greatly improved with his help.

